4 Deadlift Variations For Size And Strength.

Conventional Deadlift


With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider overhand or mixed grip.


Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. 

Return and repeat.

Romanian Deadlift


Grasp barbells from floor with shoulder width to wide overhand grip. stand with shoulder width stance.


Lower barbell towards top of feet by bending hips while tracing the contour of legs through downward motion.
    Gradually bend knees through decent and keep spine straight so back is in a near horizontal position.
      Once hamstrings are stretched fully just before lowering barbells completely to the floor, lift barbells by extending hips and knees until standing upright.

      Sumo Deadlift


      Position feet under bar with very wide stance. Squat down and grasp bar between legs with shoulder width mixed grip. 

      Face forward while positioning shoulders upward with arms straight, chest high, hips low, and back straight.


      Pull bar up by driving feet outward while pulling chest up. Extend knees when bar passes knees.

      At top of lift, when torso is upright, drive shoulders back and chest up. 

      Return weight to floor by bending hips back and knees pointed outward, while keeping chest high and back straight. Repeat.

      Trap Bar Deadlift


      Stand in the center of the apparatus and grasp both handles.

      Lower your hips, look forward with your head and keep your chest up.


      Begin the movement by driving through the heels and extend your hips and knees. 

      Avoid rounding your back at all times.

      At the completion of the movement, lower the weight back to the ground under control.